
Ortec has always built its development strategy around the social, societal, ethical and environmental challenges of its activities. This responsible approach is symbolised by “Made in Ortec”. “Made in Ortec” is a state of mind, a particular way of working which is based on the following commitments: safety above all, innovation supported by all, commitment to the teams, relationships of trust with clients and partners and respect for the environment. Each of the Group’s subsidiaries is committed to these principles and develops them in line with its activities.

Waste valorization

VALORTEC favours the most virtuous methods of managing hazardous waste.
Priority is given to the recycling of organic and inorganic materials.

Carbon neutrality

The European Union and France have committed themselves to an ambitious climate policy to which VALORTEC also wishes to contribute. To this end, we have defined several objectives


The safety of our employees, our customers and our facilities is a priority.
That is why the entire organisation of our business is geared to 0 ACCIDENTS.